A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


Sunny Side of the Street

According to Dr. Elliott Lasser, centenarian, most people know he lives on the sunny side of the street. And he’s not just talking about living in the beautiful southern California beachside community of La Jolla. He’s also talking about attributing his longevity to his ability to look on the brighter side and enjoy life.

This retired radiology professor and past head of the UC San Diego School of Medicine’s radiology department moved to La Jolla in 1968. He helped to establish UCSD’s medical school. That was following his service in the Navy where he trained as a radiologist.

His sunny life has included a 75 year marriage to his weaver wife Phyllis until her passing in 2020, four children, five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Born in Buffalo, New York, he attended Harvard before joining the Navy. Lucky for him and the place he lovingly calls home, he finally landed on the shores of La Jolla. His main interest these days is to have people know he’s “a friendly person,” and he wants to inspire people with his disposition.

Many people mistakenly assume that positive thinking involves ignoring “bad” things that happen. That’s actually not true. Positive thinking involves making the best out of every situation, seeing the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light. You develop a positive thinking mindset by focusing on what you can control, letting go of what you can’t, and looking for ways to improve any situation and what lessons can be learned from it. Sounds like Dr. Lasser has nailed positive thinking, and living 100:100.

Want to hear more about living the 100 Year Lifestyle on the sunny side of the street? Keep reading…

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