Some people consider themselves lucky to live to 74. Stanley Sacks has been practicing law for that long. And at 100 years old, he is still practicing, still motivated, and still curious about his profession and about life.
Record Setting
According to the Virginia State Bar, which began keeping records in 1938, Stanley is the longest-serving attorney in the state on record. He’s represented upward of 25,000 clients in his professional life…and counting. While he no longer goes to court and now works from home, he remains his firm’s senior partner and conducts business by phone Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Game of Skill
Calling law a “wonderful profession,” Steve says working keeps his mind young. He mainly works with clients and insurance companies in personal injury cases. After over 70 years of practice, he’s particularly good at getting the parties to settle. He’s known as a straight shooter who reads medical charts and will speak directly with doctors if he needs to better understand his clients’ injuries. To him, it’s a game of skill which he enjoys. While he has an investigator and paralegals who work with him, he does some of his own research on his phone. According to his son Andrew, who is also a law partner in the same firm, his father is “productive. He’s sharp, mentally. Motivated. He’s curious still. It’s just wonderful.”
Motivated and curious are habits he developed throughout his long and active life. Not only was he a successful attorney, but he served two terms on the House of Delegates in the Virginia General Assembly.
Keep Going
When asked if he has plans to retire, Andrew responds, “Not at all. I want to keep going. I still have my judgment, and I’m sharp as I ever was, maybe more.”
Clearly, Andrew is living 100:100, at 100 percent for 100 years or more. He’s in a service profession that allows him to remain active and involved with people – including family. Are you motivated to learn more of his career details and curious about what he credits his healthy longevity to? Keep reading.
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