A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


Not Close to Shooting His Age




Avid golfers often talk about shooting their age. If you score at or below your age for ideally 18 holes – that’s impressive! Generally speaking, as a golfer gets older, if they continue to score lower than their age, they are demonstrating incredible longevity and skill in the game. One such linksman who’s not close to shooting his age is Arthur Medeiros.

An avid golfer since the age of 11, Arthur is now 103 and still plays 18 holes 3 – 4 times a week. He has his good days and bad days on the links, but Arthur says he’s happy if he shoots 87 or 88.

Reaping the Benefits

Clearly, Arthur is an excellent golfer, and his passion for the sport has served him well. In addition to the enjoyment of the game and socialization involved in golfing, it encourages deep breathing, utilizes a variety of muscles, gets you walking in nature, reduces stress, promotes quality sleep, involves critical thinking, and improves muscle tone and endurance – just to name a few!

His love of the sport has clearly added life to his years and years to his life. But beyond golf, Arthur has had quite a full life. In addition to swinging on the golf course, he also led a swing band. He served in the Army at the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. He earned three Purple Hearts, a Silver and a Bronze Star. But he says that his biggest accomplishment is his family.

Life is Good

His life philosophy has obviously served him well. Arthur says he doesn’t sweat the small stuff. “What comes along I take one day at a time. It doesn’t do any good to complain.”

But Arthur is quick to say he doesn’t have much to complain about – or worry about. He’s got his health and energy, and claims he feels like he’s 65! To see this amazing centenarian hit the green for yourself, click here.


The post Not Close to Shooting His Age appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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