A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


How Many Two Weeks is Okay?


Research by Dr. Videman out of Helsinki, Finland found that even minor traumas to the spine can cause scar tissue formation within two weeks. How many two weeks is okay with you?

Babies and Children
The birth process can be very traumatic to a newborn’s spine and cause pressure on the nerves that affect breathing, digestion, heart rate as well as the muscles and ligaments of the neck. Because additional research has found that nerve compression can exist without pain, this spinal trauma can be asymptomatic for decades. That is a lot of two weeks! How many two weeks is acceptable for you? How about your children?

If you have ever watched a child learning to walk, how many times a day do you think they fall on their bottom? This repetitive bouncing on their bum can cause their spine to become misaligned with pressure on the nerve, subluxations, which can affect their growth and development and lie dormant for decades. This is also a lot of two weeks especially if they live to be 80, 90 or 100 years old. How do you think this will affect their quality of life as they age?

As the famous poet William Wordsworth said, “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.” This is absolutely true for the spine. Both major and minor traumas that accumulate over time will affect the way your child’s spine grows.

Seriously, how many two weeks is acceptable for your children? Even more important than the structure of the spine, which is really important, is the impact that these traumas have on the function of the nervous system.

Nerve Pressure and Organ Function
Research shows that the weight of a dime, not a lot of pressure, can reduce transmission. Stretching a nerve as little as six degrees can reduce nerve function up to 70 percent according to Journal of Spine and Joint Surgery.

These traumas that affect the structure also affect the function because of the relationship between the spine and nervous system.

Your nervous system controls and coordinates the function of every cell, tissue and organ of your body. This includes your sinuses, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, stomach, intestines and every other organ as well as your arms, legs, hormonal balance and literally every function that is both conscious and unconscious that your body performs.

As the two weeks accumulate from these traumas, both the function of the spine and the nervous system are compromised. These compromises can be disguised as a myriad of symptoms ranging from allergies, digestive disturbances and attention deficits to headaches, neck pain or backaches.

Unfortunately many of these traumas lie asymptomatic for decades of two weeks until the body can no longer adapt and breaks down with more severe health problems, pain and even contribute to sickness and disease. Dr. Henry Windsor conducted research that found a nearly 100% correlation between the compromised nerve connections in an injured spine and diseases of the internal organs. (The Windsor Autopsies, The Medical Times)

More than 15 million people each year become diagnosed with osteoarthritis, a condition that results from decades of two weeks that influence the joints of the body.

Since deterioration can occur within 2 weeks, many individuals and families make weekly and bi-weekly adjustments a central piece of their healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle Care keeps your spine in balance with no pressure on the nervous system so your body can function at higher levels. Don’t wait until you “feel” it. You may have waited lots of two weeks too long.

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