A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


Environmental Stress and You

Major storms and extreme weather seem to be hitting at an accelerated rate. For those in the path of a hurricane or in a flood zone, or for anyone dealing with the anxiety and hardship of evacuation or relocation, these events can have a variety of negative impacts on health.

In terms of your well-being, the stress you may feel from environmental disruptions can be debilitating. Traumatic stress and even PTSD sometimes occur in people who face natural disasters, but any victim of environmental interference can be subject to increased stress. A study in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology reported widespread psychological distress in response to Hurricane Opal in Florida.1

So how do you respond after a challenging event, and get your mind and body back on track?

The same study cited also reported that the people who recovered the most quickly from stress were those who were the most self-sufficient in caring for their own well-being. The inference is that getting beyond stress is often about how you adapt, and taking a proactive approach is a key to coping with and overcoming stress.

Following Hurricane’s Harvey and Irma, the Chiropractic Emergency Response Team (CERT) went on location to provide complimentary adjustments to the first responders and many of the storm victims. The results were fantastic and attracted local and national attention.

“The CERT are the first responders for first responders, and the recipients of the care appreciate the help,” said Kimberly Goreham, who is a CERT partner, along with founder Dr. Rick Wren.

How do you know if an environmental interference has increased your stress levels to the point where you should take action? You may experience typical symptoms of acute stress like headaches or nausea, sleep disorders, or flashbacks. These are signals that you are out of balance, and that it is time to take positive steps to regain your natural equilibrium and health.

Your body has an Innate Intelligence that keeps you healthy and helps you recover and heal from both physical and mental traumas. When the psychological and sometimes the physical stress of a powerful weather event like a hurricane taxes the resources of your body and mind, it can overwhelm you and interfere with your body’s built-in capacity to adapt. Poor diet, increased use of alcohol and other ill-advised coping methods will also negatively affect your nervous system and body as a whole. This is especially true when your nervous system has been previously compromised by conditions such as spinal subluxations, something the CERT addressed in their care of first responders.

When stressful events occur, take a look at your lifestyle, and seek out support from friends and loved ones, and holistic-minded health care providers like 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliated chiropractors who can help you bring your nervous system and life back into balance.


1. The Trauma That Arises from Natural Disasters https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/somatic-psychology/201004/the-trauma-arises-natural-disasters.

Article contributed by Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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