A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


A Story to Tell

Centenarian Steve Gatensbury has written and self-published 36 books since his retirement in 1989. They range from historical to poetry. Clearly, Steve is a man with a story to tell. Some might say that Steve is a man of many passions.

Perhaps that passion comes from his father who owned a successful millwork business and had a true passion for wood, which he passed on to Steve. During the course of his lifetime, Steve has developed other passions as well as the love of beautiful woodwork, which he got from his father. He has a passion for his family – three children, three grand children, and three great-great-grandchildren. And, or course, he has a passion for writing books.

Studies show that seniors engaged in artistic pursuits are actually improving their health.  Steve has been combining lifelong learning and creativity into his passion for writing. By doing so he has made those traits a part of is lifestyle, and they have clearly made his journey enjoyable and passionate every step of the way. Maybe it’s time to capitalize on your passions? Maybe you, too, have a story to tell?

Steve would clearly agree. His advice is healthy ageing is to find a hobby you like and go for it! He has a few other suggestions as well. Curious about the rest of Steve’s story? Keep reading.



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