A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


A Multifaceted Man of Mystery

When Judy first met Britt, she didn’t know a thing about him, except that they were neighbors. Fast forward, she married Eugene Britt Butler, despite not knowing how old he was. He was honest and interesting – a multifaceted man of mystery. It wasn’t until later that his wife of now 22 years found out that he was 78 when they first met, and she was 53.

No Clue

Judy said she “had no clue he was that old. He did not look or act it.” She knew he was born on Halloween, and he spoke about being in the war – she just wasn’t sure which war, and never bothered to ask. If he didn’t volunteer the specifics, and she couldn’t figure it out, was it really that important?

Some of Britt’s mysteries did, however, reveal themselves. After attending college for two years Britt served in the Construction Battalion, or Seabees, of the Navy. A new unit, they made him an officer because he had surveying experience. He served in Alaska and the South Pacific before retuning home and working in his family’s magazine publishing business.

His 100:100

While he also enjoyed being a “weekend warrior” volunteer deputy sheriff, it was his involvement with the Boy Scouts as a troop leader that developed his interest in conservation. Over the years he has funded several environmental efforts, created his own non-profit foundation, and given 38 or his 43 acres to a land trust as part of his commitment to not let the land be developed.

Multifaceted indeed. Clearly this centenarian has led a life of service and commitment to both causes and community. There are as many ways to live 100:100 as there are people on the planet. It’s our own uniqueness that shines through as we all create our own 100 Year Lifestyle. Britt is living his as a multifaceted man of mystery. How’s you’s coming along? If you need a little inspiration, read the rest of Britt’s story here.


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